Happy Dollars
Ellen as happy that she gained the "Willy Wonk " golden ticket and will be receiving her first Covid 19 vaccine this week.
Gary was happy to report that the now has a new puppy!
Suzanne shared that she is now retiried. Congrats Suzanne and she thinks her send off was better than President Trumps
Doug let everyone know that he now has a new Part time Funeral director!
Rick announced that the real estate market has been crazy and he had his best Month of January to date.
Club updates:
President Rick reported that we currently have an additional 3,000 masks which will be distributed to front line workers, and small business owners who have supported the Rotary in the past.
Deb reminded everyone that we will be volunteering at the Red Cross blood drive on February 3rd.
Ellen reminded everyone that we will be participating in reading day on March 5th. We currently have 5 rotarians who will be reading to students virtually